Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Gates of Vienna: On Arrogance

Gates of Vienna: On Arrogance

In keeping with the theme of arrogance and ego, Gates of Vienna is examining the (false) claims of Islam of inventing everything except toilet paper.
This proclivity for arrogance can be seen distinctly in the American Left. Perhaps it dates from their socialist heritage. Whatever the reason, claims for virtue and moral superiority radiate from those who gravitate toward large, messianic issues like global warming or greedy American mega-corporations — sorry for the redundancy there. Of course everyone knows greed = business except for small artisans who make things by hand. They are never greedy, per the folklore of the Left. One is not permitted to question why artisan cheese is three times as expensive and half as tasty as ye olde Wisconsin cheddar.

I am soooooooooooooooooooooo over this. They all need to get over themselves!

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