Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Iraqi Child #2: "Sir, my name is Bush."

Harry Smith: "Are Americans good or bad?"

Iraqi Child: "Good"

Harry Smith: "They are good."

Iraqi Child: "Yes"

Iraqi Child #2: "What's your name?"

Harry Smith: "Huh?"

Iraqi Child #2: "What's your name?"

Harry Smith: "My name? Smith. Harry Smith."

Iraqi Child #2: "Sir, my name is Bush."

Harry Smith: "Your name is Bush?"

Iraqi Child #2 "Yes."

Harry Smith: (Pointing at child and chuckling) "He says his name is Bush."

What a creep. This child was obviously proud of his name. This story just amazed me. If the moms and dads in Iraq are naming their children after President Bush, this is stunning.

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