Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Countdown to when Whoopi melts down in 3,2,1

Whoopi Goldberg used her first day on the daytime chat show Tuesday to defend football star Michael Vick in his dogfighting case.

Goldberg said that "from where he comes from" in the South, dogfighting isn't that unusual.
In the Vick discussion, Goldberg served notice that she won't shy away from controversy.

Co-host Joy Behar looked horrified at Goldberg.

"How about dog torture and dog murdering?" Behar asked.

For many people, dogs are sport, Goldberg replied, and it appeared it took awhile for Vick to realize that he was up against serious charges.
The definition of moral equivalence. Vick should be EXCUSED for his behavior because dog fighting is "where he comes from"? Are you kidding? Joy Behar was right to be aghast at those comments. And Whoopi did NOT answer the torture and murder question, that dogs are sport? That was her answer? SPORT? Did Vick NOT know it was illegal? Yes he did. He tried to get out of the charges.

BaBa WaWa is already figuring out how to dump Whoopi, she sees it coming now.

1 comment:

Tim Zank said...

My guess is the "whoopster" will crash and burn rather quickly. She's not as nasty or volatile as Rosie, but she's but she's every bit as misguided.