Thursday, October 26, 2006

A big welcome to a new contributor!

Let me welcome aboard a new contributor to WhatAMaroon - Whiteknuckles!

Hoo Rah!

WhiteKnuckles is my oldest (meaning in length of time known, not age!) and our families go waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy back together.

Whiteknuckles will provide a nice balance to my (admittedly) ultra conservative opinions and writes with a wonderful prose style.

I hope you enjoy this addition to WhatAMaroon as much as I do.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you crimsonfisted! Ah I am not so liberal as one might think but we will see how the world accepts my conceptions of life as we live it.
Yes our families do tend to go so far back that none of us know exactly when it all started, maybe three, four generations? (probably more)