Monday, March 19, 2007

Guest Post: Rep. Duncan Hunter on the Captains Quarters

Some of the key points:
I returned this week from a fact-finding trip to Iraq where I met with top U.S. military commanders in Baghdad, Ramadi, and Fallujah and was briefed by Iraqi Army and police officials.

In a letter to the President, I made several recommendations and attached a sample schedule for three-month field operations for all 129 Iraqi battalions, a plan that can be executed within the next six months.

Once the Iraqis are capable of taking responsibility for their own security, then we can rotate American troops home with the knowledge that Iraq is not a threat to our nation and will not be a state sponsor of terrorism.

At this critical point, the members of Congress who are engaging in political posturing, while our soldiers are carrying out their mission, are doing a real disservice to the troops. Let me add that if the Democrats were to cut off reinforcements and supplies to our troops in Iraq, our troops will never forgive them and I don't think the American people will ever forgive them either.

I know I won't.

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