Sunday, March 04, 2007

The Price They Pay for Survival

From Gates of Vienna
Reason #4,323 to support the Minutemen...

It seems that when woman employ the “guides” that take you across the Mexican -U.S. border (called “Coyotes”), one thing these women must endure is the routine practice of being raped and as a visual reminder to all that come after —her bloodstains are left in the dirt and her panties are hung from the branches of a tree.

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“This is the picture that pro-immigration advocates don’t want you to see....

It is time the American people put a stop to the travesty of our open borders. It is time to understand that “open borders” means they are open to every kind of evil, including gang rape and human trafficking.

For any decent, law-abiding American, to see a rape tree is to gaze upon the face of the enemy of civilization. To see the blood-stained ground beneath them is to behold the faces of their victims...


It would seem that any self-respecting feminist would have to be against the illegal immigration that gives these horrible people the power and opportunity to treat woman and children this way...
I cannot add any more to this. Go to Gates of Vienna and see the image.

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